College Roommates: Tips to Getting to Know Each Other

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How to get to know your new roommate

As a freshman student cohabiting with someone different comes with some uncertainty since you’ve probably never lived with the person before. It is totally normal to be anxious but with a positive attitude and strategies, you will enjoy having a roomie and probably become best of friends.  

Tips to get along with your roommates

Set and follow guidelines: It usually takes a lot of patience and compromises to get along with someone new. You and your roommate should set and agree on some guidelines on the most important everyday activities.   

Learn about each other countries and cultures: There may be some cultural differences and language barriers, but learning about each other will help make things easier.

Respect the schedule: Sharing your schedules with each other makes it easier to avoid conflict.

Communicate honestly and openly: Always be honest and open with each other rather than bad mouthing each other. Let your opinions be known to avoid conflicts.

Find mutual Interest: By now, you have built an open and strong relationship with your roommate and discovered new things about each other. Now you both may have some common ground, and this help gets you both closer to each.

12 Questions to ask your roommate to get to know them better

Everyone is entitled to personal preference so it is due diligence that you ask your roommates some questions to get to know each other.  
What is your daily routine?
How would you prioritize the following activities: work, play, clean, and rest?
What time do you generally wake up and go to bed?
Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
What conditions do you require sleep?
What’s the best means of approach to make a request?
Do you work from home?
Why it is important to get along with your roommates?
How neat or messy are you?
What is your pet policy?
How do you feel about an overnight guest?
How often do you travel?

It is necessary that roommates respect and get to know each other because living together usually puts a strain on some people. One of the most important factors in your success as a college student is your relationship with your roommate. You can build long-lasting friendships at the end of the day.

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