Choosing what to study in college

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Choosing what to study in college So many college students find it difficult to explain what Majors and Minors mean and what they actually mean for a student. Every semester, new degrees emerge and many students in college will eventually Continue Reading

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Life Hack: Easy Journal System

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I’ve always wanted to be a person that journals but have been inconsistent with actually doing it.  However, I have a new journal hack I started using that I’ve actually stuck with – mainly because I can do it in Continue Reading

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Working While Still Going To School

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A lot of college students work full-time and part-time jobs while attending college to find an equilibrium in their lives. Managing a school schedule is tasking and hard enough. After a long day of classes, papers, extracurricular activities, and homework, Continue Reading

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Why are college internships important?

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The importance of college internships. The main goal of a college education at most is to prepare you to achieve great things in your chosen career. One can say that education and gaining life skills is an important part of Continue Reading

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