How to Get a Summer Internship

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An internship is a structured work experience related to a student’s major and/or career. This experience is expected to enhance a student’s academic understanding and career/professional development under the supervision of a profession in the field. An internship can come Continue Reading

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How to Focus on School After Spring Break

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Spring break is at the corner, it usually occurs between the months of March- April. It is also called Easter Holiday/vacation in the United States. Places to go are; Daytona Beach, Florida; Cancun or Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; South Padre Island, Continue Reading

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Safety Tips for Spring Break

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Spring break happens to be essentially common for those who want to be free for some time and having the mind of let lose and go wild. I know spring break comes with so much fun, excitement, and freedom, but Continue Reading

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Top Spring Break Destinations in 2018 for College Students

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Over the years, spring break has been something really fascinating and much anticipated. Mostly the Americans experience this spring break as it contributes to their leisure travels. This spring break occurs mostly once in a year and many spend it Continue Reading

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