Higher Education Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Higher Education Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic Shutdown: The College Edition With the country entering into its second month of life adjusted to the Coronavirus, colleges coast to coast have been particularly affected by these changes and have had to adapt Continue Reading

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Saving for College With a 529 Plan

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Rising Costs of College As many high school students and their parents set their sights on higher education, the question of “How much will this cost?” has become just as commonplace as “What school do I want to go to?” Continue Reading

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3 Simple Study Tips for College Students

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Study Tips: University Student Edition Being a college student can be fun and exciting, at the same time, it can be an overwhelming experience. One of the top priority of every college student is to study and do well in class, but as Continue Reading

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How to Choose the Right University

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After graduating from High school, the university or college suitable for your course of study is dependent on the decision you make today. The process of choosing a university or college is often laden with anxiety. It is very rare Continue Reading

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College Tips: Using a Schedule

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THE IMPORTANCE OF SCHEDULING/USING A SCHEDULE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. College students are known for pulling all-nighters, drinking coffee and trying hard to get their homework done halfway before class. A lot of people may feel that working under pressure makes Continue Reading

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Finding and Applying for Scholarships

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Finding and Applying for Scholarships Getting a scholarship can go a long way to help pay your way through school. There are several scholarships available for students and it takes time and effort to find the right one. Scholarships are Continue Reading

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College Roommates: Tips to Getting to Know Each Other

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How to get to know your new roommate As a freshman student cohabiting with someone different comes with some uncertainty since you’ve probably never lived with the person before. It is totally normal to be anxious but with a positive Continue Reading

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Life Hack: How to Be a Morning Person

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How can you become a morning person? Mornings may be rough for some of us, but there are advantages to waking up with the sun. You could be one of those people who rise at dawn, go for a run Continue Reading

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Study Tips for College Students

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Helpful Study Tips for College Students Getting a college degree is no easy feat, it involves putting a lot of hard work, time, patience and diligence. Studying is the only way to earning a high GPA, and every student must Continue Reading

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The Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep

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The Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep College students are sleeping less because they have a lot to focus on. They have jobs, academic workload and other things to juggle. However, it is important that they get good sleep and rest Continue Reading

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