Welcome to Jesse Gee Scholarships
Higher education is becoming increasingly important and drastically more expensive! Jesse Gee values the importance of higher education and wants to help ensure its accessibility to more people.
Devoted to Helping Business Students Across America
$1,000 Scholarship Open to Undergraduate or Graduate students. Requirements: -Must be a Business, Marketing, or Finance major at a 4 year University or College in the United States. -Must have a GPA of 3.0 or better How to apply: Write Continue Reading
Chances are, if you ever had to share a room with a sibling growing up, you’re probably not too keen to share a room with a total stranger when you get to college. To be fair, even those who had Continue Reading
Majorly Stressing Over Your Major? If you are anticipating the start of your college experience you have likely spent the last year or so preparing; taking exams, writing essays, completing applications, filling out endless forms to fund your education, and Continue Reading
Take a look around you. What colors do you see? If you are reading this article in a public space, it is likely that the colors around you have been carefully selected to elicit a very specific response from you. Continue Reading
Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, Old School—most college films share at least one scene where the characters have a fabulous party with fantastic music, a full house, and flowing alcohol. It’s such a common film trope that it’s hard Continue Reading
College is an exciting time, you are learning, you are meeting new people and, for some of us, that means sharing our space with a roommate. While some of us are used to living in close quarters with other people, Continue Reading