Summer job ideas for college students

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Every spring, millions of people are looking for the best summer jobs. For students, this often means they are trying to find ways to improve their curriculum to suit their studies or future careers. Because a good summer job can do much more than just add extra money. This can help you to find the kind of life you really want after college. When the finale is over, many students come home to have fun in the summer and find a summer job. Whether they are earning money to pay for tuition, accommodation, or living expenses, students need a summer job to make the most of their time away from the classroom. On the other hand, there are many seasonal jobs and temporary jobs that helps students to cover their staffing needs.

Listed below are summer job ideas for college students


  • Taking over a waiter or a waitress is a great way to make quick money and meet people. Be sure to check with locations that have outside decks that open only for the season; These types of restaurants or bars usually require extra staff to wait for all additional tables. If you already have service experience, check with some upscale facilities; They may need help during the summer and tips tend to be better than most restaurants in the chain.

camp counselor

  • Be sure to check summer jobs in your local park district. Most communities have park districts hiring students for their summer camps. Normally, the park area is looking for school-based trainers who can teach arts and crafts, gymnastics or tennis.

Community Land Crew

  • Summer is the best time for most cities and college kids are always needed to mow grass around parks or other public properties. College students often work in the city to do painting work or help regular maintenance personnel with summer projects.

landscape team

  • If you like getting hot, a job that works for a landscape team is just the thing. It’s usually a physical job, but most landscapers take extra help for the summer season. Landscaping teams do everything from mowing to pruning and earthmoving.

Pool Guy

  • Cleaning the pools is one way to get the pool in the summer. Not very demanding and lucrative, if you can romp enough pools, pool maintenance is a seasonal job that often relies on the students to make it. Check with shops that sell swimming pools or pool accessories to see if there are any opportunities in your area.

Life guard

  • If you live close to a public swimming pool or beach and have the appropriate certification, life as a lifeguard is a rewarding experience that many college students enjoy. A responsible position is still fun to be near the sand and to surf on those hot summer days.

Golf Caddy

  • If you like to work outside and enjoy the sun and exercise, a golf caddy is a great job seasonal work. Check with your local golf club or nearby country clubs to see if you can help in summer as a cadet or other work ability.

Office temp

  • Check with a temporary employment agency to gain work experience. Since today’s students often have excellent computer skills, it is very likely to find temporary office job will be easy, especially if you have access to a big city. Running a copier and making phone calls is not a dream job, but some temporary jobs are interesting and pay better than fast food restaurants.


  • Okay, that sounds like going to school, but many families are willing to pay more for a student. Many working parents rely on summer babysitters to take care of their child’s needs to help when children are not in school. Ask your mother – she probably knows who needs a babysitter!

Concert venue

  • In many cities, concert halls are hot spots during the summer. Students can often find work as park attendants, ticket takers and concession workers. You will be busy, but you can still hear the music and meet a lot of people.

Hold the anchovies

  • Making pizza ca not sound glamorous, but pizzerias are many companies, especially during the summer months. Finding a kitchen job or a delivery person is often easy. If you like it, they will often take you back to their next vacation.

Amusement park

  • Seasonal theme parks and water parks rely heavily on staff colleges to meet their staffing needs. You could have a carousel or sell cotton candy, but you can certainly count on a comfortable environment and a steady paycheck.

Local Hospital

  • If you are planning a career in the health field, it is best to check with your local hospital if you need a seasonal employee. Students are sometimes hired to transport patients, work in the cafeteria or help in one of the offices.

Fast food attendant

  • Fast food chains and always hire a student, especially with previous experience can be a welcome addition to a full counter. It may not be a dream job, but it is a reliable way to earn money and gain work experience.

Shopping mall

  • The mall is not for everyone, but if you like a job in, you’re probably going to find something to submit to your application in any store with an opening. Jobs in shopping malls typically involve cash transactions, storage and implementation of role-based customer service. When you land a job in a fashion store, you can get a discount when shopping!

Garden Center

  • Garden centers are popular places for summer work. As a seasonal location, these farms are usually dependent on seasonal workers. You will learn about plants and you will probably need sunscreen but you will meet people and you will earn a decent salary.

Post office

  • If you want to gain experience in business, it does not hurt to look for a summer job in a post office. You will gain office experience and experience how companies work. You can live in the photocopier or make deliveries to other offices, but you will gain a better salary than many other seasonal places.
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