10 Healthy Living Tips for College Students

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All There Is To Know About the Top Ten Healthy Living Tips for College Students

Most college students tend to forget to maintain the health.  Juggling their education, social life, meetings, homework, projects, studying and classes, leaves little room for researching and subscribing to a healthy lifestyle. Developing healthy habits could prevent long-term side effects of unhealthy living such as diseases conditions prevalent in elderly persons. The following are some of the top healthy living tips that college students should incorporate into their lives.

Top Healthy Living Tips for College Students

  1. Healthy eating- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure that it is balanced and never skipped. Either most students wake up in a hurry to get through their daily routines that they forget to take breakfast or they settle for unhealthy breakfast alternatives. Refrain from skipping any other meals during the course of the day. Try healthy alternatives if you start craving foods during the night. These include whole-wheat crust pizzas, low-fat cheese, and opt for vegetable toppings, among others. Healthy meals boost overall health, healthy weight, and the immune system. Stock your supplies and bag with healthy snacks such as nuts and fruits to prevent you from purchasing unhealthy snacks during the course of the day. The foods should be balanced, variable, and moderate. Make sure your daily diet contains proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dairy.
  2. Have an exercise regimen- Most college students lack enough time to subscribe to an exercise regimen. In between the class work, projects, and social life, there is little time left for squeezing n any other task. This means that to work out, one will need to incorporate their workout routine into their daily tasks. This involves walking to class, taking the stairs, and even opting to stand as opposed to sitting down for the better part of the day, among other activities. Take advantage of the offered sport facilities. Join a sports team or use the sorting facilities available.  Some colleges offer gyms with reduced subscription rates. Take advantage of this service before your graduation.
  3. Get enough rest and sleep- On most college days, you might be tempted to stay for an entire night and sleep for about two hours. This is especially the case if the student has examinations or unfinished projects. Sleep deprivation has both short and long-term effects. A normal college student should sleep for a normal period of seven to nine hours. It could lead to weight gain, weight loss, headaches, fatigue, and even reduced brain functionality. Try to subscribe strictly to your daily routine this will prevent you from having excess tasks at the end of the day. You could start resting for a short period during the course of the day. Make your sleeping area comfortable enough to support relaxation. This includes de-cluttering the room, making the room dark, eating a few hours before bed, avoiding caffeinate drinks, and even making the environment silent. If you have trouble, sleeping you could use sleep applications such as the Calm App to ease you into your comfort zone. Refrain from taking over the counter sleeping pills.
  4. Regularly wash your hands- When flu season arrives, washing your hands could be the determining factor for sustaining good health. Reading n a massive college institution means that the students are always in close contact. This increases the chances of spreading bacteria through contact or the air. It is very easy to contact viruses and bacteria. This could be through walking around campus, having roommates, and sharing class facilities, among others. Simply washing your hands before meal consumption could help you prevent the development of diseases. Refrain from placing your hands in contact with your mouth, nose, or eyes, before washing them. Take special care when you are around sick people or invalids.
  5. Stop smoking- Smoking poses grievous health effects on the user. Occasional a passive smoking still puts the subject person at risk of contracting ailments such as emphysema, heart disease, and even lung cancer, among others. If you are an avid smoker, you could seek the aid of the health specialists within your school to aid you in reducing your intake. Alternatively, you could seek the aid of a rehabilitation centre.
  6. Avoid sugary and high caffeine foodstuffs- Even though beverages that contain caffeine come in handy when doing homework or studying late into the night, they are dangerous. In fact, combining such foods could cause your digestive and nervous system to crash and feel less energetic in the end. If you need energy to stay up late can be productive, try foods that have high-fiber or high protein. They perform the same function but are more healthy alternatives in comparison to the foods with high caffeine or sugar content.
  7. Get a disease prevention shot- Getting a shot prior to an outbreak could save you the trouble of contracting an ailment. Most colleges offer flu shots before winter to prevent the low attendance of students due to sickness. Take advantage of this by setting for the reduced screening price ranges. Most of them are below twenty-five dollars. This price will definitely be cheaper than that of the flu treatment.
  8. Increase your water intake- Staying hydrated essential for normal body functions it prevents overheating during the summer and boosts your energy levels at the end of the day. Opt for water as an alternative to a caffeinated drink or soda. In fact, purchase a water bottle and ensure that t is filled every morning for daily use. This will help you manage your finances by avoiding the purchasing of drinks.
  9. Relaxation- High stress levels are prevalent among college students due to homework and project deadlines, and even examinations. Frequent relaxation is beneficial to the hormone levels and brain functions. Create a routine that has incorporated breaks. During the breaks, you can read a book, listen to music, draw, and paint, take a walk, socialize, sing, or even watch your favorite show. Exploit your hobby during this break.
  10. Avoid tanning by wearing sunscreen- If you opt to swim or spend time on the beach with your friends, make sure that you protect your skin from the harsh sunrays. Wear sunscreen each time you think you might be exposed to the sun fairly. Reapply it after every two to three hours to prevent sun damage. Additionally, avoid tanning beds. Both of these opportunities increase the chances of developing skin cancer.
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